What do Japanese children go to school for something

Teachers, schools and parents in Japan do not care what they will learn at school, because their biggest concern is how many minutes a day they will be able to run and how much to walk kilometers and get to play freely outdoors or not. The Fuji school on the outskirts of Tokyo Japan is famous all over the world for its millimeter-standard design according to the Japanese educational philosophy.

During his appearance at the famous TV show TED, architect Takaharu made all the audience laugh in surprise when he shared a statistical chart of the “movement area” of a school student. Accordingly, this boy walked for 6 kilometers around the school in 20 minutes and at the request of the principal, the school was designed so that every student would be mobilized (walking, running,  jump) about 4km every day. The motivational story of Fuji School is just a very small feature of the picture of general physical education in Japanese schools.

 Cho dù thời tiết có khắc nghiệt như thế nào, mưa, tuyết hay nắng thì học sinh ở Nhật vẫn duy trì các hoạt động vui chơi, đi dạo, vận động ngoài trời như thế này.

The first day of going to grade 1 is also the official marking day when Japanese children will have to walk to school by themselves, which is a MUST for children. To ensure the safety of children on the way to school, during the preschool years, Japanese parents walk to school with their children every day to teach their children safe lessons and rules of traffic participation.

In addition, both Japanese society, from the neighborhood, to the government are involved in ensuring safety in the subway and bus systems, until a team of volunteers scattered throughout The street is responsible for observing and keeping an eye on the children who are going to school on the road.

 Cho dù thời tiết có khắc nghiệt như thế nào, mưa, tuyết hay nắng thì học sinh ở Nhật vẫn duy trì các hoạt động vui chơi, đi dạo, vận động ngoài trời như thế này.

According to the results of the “Global Burden of Disease Study” that’s sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in the prestigious medical journal Lancet, a baby born in Japan today will have a longer and healthier life than a baby born in any other country on world. One of the factors influencing this miraculous result is that it is the family and the school here that really helps children enjoy exercise every day.